To avoid any division by zero or overflow, transform all division into multiplication and check for the sign ( horizontal lines with Y2= Y1 do not count in the algorithm) 要避免任何数与0相除或溢出,将所有除法转换为乘法并检查运算符号(Y2=Y1的水平线不会计入算法)
And I will put a division between my people and your people; tomorrow this sign will be seen. 我要将我的百姓和你的百姓分别出来。明天必有这神迹。
While Stathopoulos says she's not yet sure what this timed division means, it's a clear sign that there are many more layers of order in embryonic development than had been previously suspected. 当Stathopoulos说到她不能确定这种按时分裂意味什么时,很明显的提示就是胚胎发育中分层顺序比以前预测的要多得多。
Southall Police Division has failed to sign up one asian. 索撒尔警察分局连一个亚洲人也没有招聘到。
The division sign on the left mudguard is white. 左挡泥板上的帝国师临时师徽为白色。
Study on Teaching and Proving Method of Division of the Complement with One Sign Bit 补码一位除法的证明及教学方法探讨
Profession is the result of social division and vocation, a form of social differentiation and a sign, which shows that humankind has reached a certain profundity in understanding the nature and society. 专业是社会分工、职业分化的结果,是社会化的一种表现形式,是人类认识自然和社会达到一定深度的表现。
The emphases of the article are the formula region search, the sign of formula division, the positional information of sign record, the sign of formula recognition and so on. 本文重点研究了汉字文章中公式区域的查找、公式中字符的分割以及其位置信息的记录、公式中字符的识别等。
Is it fetch every analysis, sampling well test materials is it log well curve to combine to utilize secondly, confirm and flow the quantity of division and sign of the unit. 其次利用取心井的各项分析化验资料结合测井曲线,确定流动单元的划分数量和标志。
All levels of government officials departments place on trial in the case process, also cooperate and division of labour with individual responsibility, sign in the joint archives, and undertake the association legal liability. 各级法司官吏审判案件过程中,分工负责,连署文案,并承担连带法律责任。